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ApexCharts Tutorial: Advanced Graphs for your Home Assistant UI

Tutorial for creating beautiful and advanced charts and graphs in Home Assistant using the ApexCharts Card by RomRider.

In a recent tutorial, we used the Mushroom Cards collection and showed you how to create a minimalistic and clean Home Assistant dashboard. Today we are tackling the ApexCharts Card by dev RomRider, which is based on ApexCharts.js, an open-source charting library.

Many of us have been using the excellent Mini Graph Card by kalkih to display data in a simple graph in our Home Assistant dashboards. It has a clean, minimalistic look and feel to it and presents history information nicely in Lovelace UI. The Apex Charts Card is like its Big Brother: It dwarfs it in customization variables and data processing capabilities.

This heavily customizable custom card is capable of creating extremely advanced charts in the shape of a line, columns, donut charts, pie charts, scatter graphs and radial bar charts. The ApexCharts Card does not include a built-in UI editor, so you will need to use YAML.

We will go over the card installation and basic config, provide many examples, so you can copy-paste directly to your Lovelace UI and adjust it to your needs.

UPDATE v2.0.0: extend_to_end has been removed and replaced by extend_to with support for now and end.



ApexCharts is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store).

  1. Open HACS
  2. Go to “Frontend” section
  3. Click button with “+” icon
  4. Search for “ApexCharts”


  1. Download apexcharts-card.js file from the [latest-release].
  2. Put apexcharts-card.js file into your config/www folder.
  3. Add reference to apexcharts-card.js in Lovelace. There’s two way to do that:
  • Using UI: Configuration → Lovelace Dashboards → Resources Tab → Click Plus button → Set Url as /local/apexcharts-card.js → Set Resource type as JavaScript Module. 
    Note: If you do not see the Resources Tab, you will need to enable Advanced Mode in your User Profile
  • Using YAML: Add following code to lovelace section
    - url: /local/apexcharts-card.js
      type: module

CLI Install

  1. Move into your config/www directory.
  2. Grab apexcharts-card.js:
  3. Add the resource in your lovelace section (as above)
$ wget

Cards Configuration Variables

The ApexCharts Custom Card has an incredible amount of configuration variables, to style and configure the card according to your needs. For the purpose of the length of this tutorial, we are not going to list every single one of them on this blog. Instead, we are going to try to cover most of them through examples in code syntax. You can check all this card has to offer HERE.

Important Variables

To be able to understand how ApexCharts displays data, we will explain some of the most important configuration variables through examples. We are not going to focus too much on cosmetic options, but more on data processing and display options. 

The graph_span and span options are used to choose which data will be fetched for the the ApexCharts to process. 

The group_by function organizes the data by a specific function (last, min, max, mean…), builds buckets of data by setting duration (10sec, 1min, 7d…), and can fill missing history data.

The transform function can modify raw data coming from HA’s history database using JavaScript.
Example: Display a binary_sensor data as a number. See more HERE.

The data_generator function is an advanced feature which enables you to build your own data out of the last state of a sensor. It completely bypasses the history retrieval and caching mechanism. See more HERE.

  • graph_span:
    The span of the graph as a time interval.

Show 24h worth of data

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 24h

Show 7 days worth of data

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 7d
  • span:
    Define the start, end and offset of displayed data selected with graph_span.

Show today’s data

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 24h
  start: day

Show yesterday’s data

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 24h
  start: day
  offset: -1d

Show last 30 days worth of data in a line chart

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 30d
  end: day

Show last calendar week data in a line chart 

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 1w
  end: isoWeek
  offset: -1week

Show 7 days worth of data grouped in a column by day ending with today

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 7d
  end: day
  - entity: sensor.stove_time_on_today
    type: column
      func: last
      duration: 1d    

Show 4 weeks worth of data grouped in a column by calendar week ending with current week

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 28d
  end: isoWeek
  - entity: sensor.stove_time_on_today
    type: column
      func: last
      duration: 7d
  • transform:
    Modify raw data coming from Home-Assistant’s history database using a JavaScript function

Convert binary_sensor to numbers (1 is on, 0 is off)

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  - entity: binary_sensor.dishwasher
    transform: "return x === 'on' ? 1 : 0;"

Scale a sensor’s data

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  - entity: sensor.download_kb
    transform: "return x / 1024;"

Usage Examples

This custom card can be used to present data in Lovelace from various sources, from different types of entities or their attributes. We going to cover the most common entity types and their advanced configuration.

Note: In some of the examples of this tutorial, we are using card-mod to further style the cards.

Line, Column, Area

To display temperature data for a specific room in the last 24hours, we use the default line graph. When chart_type is unset, the card defaults to this graph. This chart type has 3 subtypes which can be applied under the series function: Line, Column and Area. For example, we set the span to day, add some custom colors in color_threshold and set our entities under the series variable:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  color_threshold: true
graph_span: 24h
  last_updated: true
  standard_format: false
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  title: Living Room Temperature
  start: day
  - entity: sensor.living_room_temperature
    type: line
      func: last
      duration: 15m
    stroke_width: 5
      header_color_threshold: true
      - value: 18
        color: steelblue
      - value: 21
        color: midnightblue
      - value: 22
        color: orange
      - value: 23
        color: orangered
      - value: 24.5
        color: red

We can further customize the chart by adding the humidity entity, adding a “Now” marker to show our current time of day and adding extremas, to show the minimum and maximum values of our sensor.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  color_threshold: true
graph_span: 24h
  last_updated: true
  standard_format: false
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  title: Living Room Temperature
  show: true
  color: red
  label: Now
  start: day
  - entity: sensor.living_room_temperature
    type: line
      func: last
      duration: 15m
    stroke_width: 5
      extremas: true
      header_color_threshold: true
      - value: 18
        color: steelblue
      - value: 21
        color: midnightblue
      - value: 22
        color: orange
      - value: 23
        color: orangered
      - value: 24.5
        color: red
  - entity: sensor.living_room_humidity
      in_chart: true

We can convert the chart to a column type or an area graph type. We can also add a custom chart height under apex_config and remove card backgrounds and borders with card-mod. 

type: custom:apexcharts-card
style: |
  ha-card {
    background-color: var(--primary-primary-color);
    box-shadow: none;
    height: 170px
  - entity: sensor.living_room_temperature
    type: column   
  - entity: sensor.living_room_humidity
    type: area    

Radial Bar Chart

A Radial Bar can be used to show percentage with predefined min-max values, which must be provided for each series displayed as it requires to convert the value into percentage. If undefined, the default value for min is 0 and for max is 100. This graph works well if you want to display sensors natively in percentages.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  show: true
  title: Temperature Levels
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
chart_type: radialBar
  - entity: sensor.bathroom_battery_level
    name: Bathroom
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_battery_level
    name: Bedroom
  - entity: sensor.kitchen_battery_level
    name: Kitchen

Pie Chart

This chart will display a pie-shaped chart with the last value computed of each sensor. In my example, I used sensors created from the utility meter integration to show energy consumption.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
chart_type: pie
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  title: Monthly energy consumption in kWH
  - entity: sensor.dishwasher_kwh_monthly_economic
    name: Dishwasher Economic
  - entity: sensor.dishwasher_kwh_monthly_regular
    name: Dishwasher Regular
  - entity: sensor.washer_kwh_monthly_economic
    name: Washer Economic
    type: column
  - entity: sensor.washer_kwh_monthly_regular
    name: Washer Regular
  - entity: sensor.dryer_kwh_monthly_economic
    name: Dryer Economic
  - entity: sensor.dryer_kwh_monthly_regular
    name: Dryer Regular
    type: column

Donut Chart

The donut chart is essentially the same as the pie chart, only with a hole in the middle. In my example, it uses simple template sensors to calculate energy consumption based on electricity price.

Note: Values in pictures are not correct, simply modified to show the chart usage.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
chart_type: donut
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  title: Daily energy consumption in USD
  - entity: sensor.dishwasher_usd_daily
    name: Dishwasher
    type: column
    unit: ' USD'
    color: darkviolet
  - entity: sensor.washer_usd_daily
    name: Washer
    type: column
    unit: ' USD'
    color: midnightblue
  - entity: sensor.dryer_usd_daily
    name: Dryer
    unit: ' USD'
    color: orangered

Scatter Chart

The scatter chart can be used to display a cloud of points, without a line connecting them. When using this chart, be sure to always set the group_by function to something larger than default, because if you have a lot of data with noisy sensors, the chart will get overwhelmed and make no sense.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
chart_type: scatter
  color_threshold: true
graph_span: 24h
  last_updated: true
  standard_format: false
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  title: Living Room Ambient
  start: day
  - entity: sensor.living_room_temperature
      func: last
      duration: 1h
      header_color_threshold: true
      - value: 18
        color: steelblue
      - value: 21
        color: midnightblue
      - value: 22
        color: orange
      - value: 23
        color: orangered
      - value: 24.5
        color: red
  - entity: sensor.living_room_humidity

More Examples

Total Stove Heating Time

When hovered, the ApexCharts Card displays your span and state. We can define the y-axis min and max values and set the tick amount. You can find more about y-axis HERE.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
    height: 170px
  color_threshold: true
graph_span: 7d
  end: day
  last_updated: true
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  title: Total Time Heating Per Day
  - min: 0
    max: ~11
    decimals: 0
      tickAmount: 5
  - entity: sensor.thermoflux_time_on_today
      header_color_threshold: true
      extremas: true
      as_duration: hour
    type: column
    name: Duration
      func: last
      duration: 1d
      - value: 1
        color: dodgerblue
      - value: 3
        color: darkcyan
      - value: 5
        color: goldenrod
      - value: 7
        color: orangered
      - value: 10
        color: darkred

To get a weekly chart, replace the following variables:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 56d
  end: isoWeek
  - entity: sensor.thermoflux_time_on_today
      func: last
      duration: 7d  

Raspberry Pi Monitor

To monitor processor usage and temperate, we can use the line graph.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  color_threshold: true
graph_span: 24h
  last_updated: true
  loading: false
  standard_format: false
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  title: Raspberry Pi 4 CPU
  show: true
  color: red
  label: Now
  start: day
  - entity: sensor.processor_use_percent
    name: Processor Usage
    stroke_width: 5
      duration: 30sec
      extremas: true
      header_color_threshold: true
  - entity: sensor.processor_temperature
    stroke_width: 5
      duration: 30sec
      extremas: true
      header_color_threshold: true

To monitor disk usage and memory usage, we can use a RadialBar graph:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
    height: 355px
  show: true
  title: Raspberry Pi4 System Monitor
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
chart_type: radialBar
  - entity: sensor.disk_use
    name: Disk Used
      in_chart: false
  - entity: sensor.disk_free
    name: Disk Free
      in_chart: false
  - entity: sensor.disk_use_percent
    name: Disk Used (%)
      in_header: false
  - entity: sensor.memory_use
    name: Memory Used
      in_chart: false
  - entity: sensor.memory_free
    name: Memory Free
      in_chart: false
  - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
    name: Memory Used (%)
      in_header: false

Utility Meter

We can stack the utility meter data, for a daily per device overview spanning 14 days. When hovered it will give us exact data of each appliance monitor in our example along with the correct day.

Note: Values in pictures are not correct, simply modified to show the chart usage.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
    stacked: true
graph_span: 14d
  end: day
  last_updated: true
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  title: Daily energy consumption in USD
  - entity: sensor.dishwasher_usd_daily
    name: Dishwasher
    type: column
    unit: ' USD'
    color: darkviolet
      func: max
      duration: 1d
  - entity: sensor.washer_usd_daily
    name: Washer
    type: column
    unit: ' USD'
    color: slateblue
      func: max
      duration: 1d
  - entity: sensor.dryer_usd_daily
    name: Dryer
    type: column
    unit: ' USD'
    color: orangered
      func: max
      duration: 1d

Minimal Layout

The ApexCharts card offers a minimal layout which removes the grid, the axis and display the legend at the top. You can combine this clean layout with any types of chart to display it to your liking. For example:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
layout: minimal
graph_span: 24h
  standard_format: false
  show: true
  title: Living Room Ambient
  start: day
  - entity: sensor.living_room_temperature
    color: orangered
    type: line
      func: last
      duration: 15m
    stroke_width: 5
      extremas: true
      header_color_threshold: true
  - entity: sensor.living_room_humidity
    type: area
      in_chart: true
      func: last
      duration: 15m

Instead of a line and area, we can change the type variable to display a column and a line:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
layout: minimal
graph_span: 24h
  standard_format: false
  show: true
  title: Bedroom Ambient
  start: day
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_temperature
    color: orangered
    type: column
      func: last
      duration: 30min
    stroke_width: 5
      extremas: true
      header_color_threshold: true
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_humidity
    type: line
      in_chart: true
      func: last
      duration: 30m


The ApexCharts Card includes so many configuration variables, it is impossible to cover all of them in a single tutorial. I hope that the examples we provided will benefit some you so you can copy-paste and adjusts them to your needs.

Because it is based on the open-source charting library ApexCharts.js, it can be customized to infinity. You can check all the options this library offers HERE.

Developer RomRider notes that since this card is in its early stages of development, some bugs or breaking changes may occur. It’s worth noting that in my usage so far, I have encountered none.


44 thoughts on “ApexCharts Tutorial: Advanced Graphs for your Home Assistant UI”

  1. Hi!

    First of all, thank you for the very indepth guide! Makes it a breeze to set up!

    Just a quick question though, im trying to make it so that Lines, plotter charts etc, show the last 24h, so that «now» would be at the end of the chart

    • Hello,

      You need to specify graph_span: 24h.
      This will show the last 24 hours worth of data and now would be at the end of the chart.

      Remove the span: end/start variable completely.


  2. Hi there,
    Just searching for an apex chart solution for the following challenge:
    – my cityheating gateway sends the meter data with three digit decimals. I.e. 0,123.
    – when hoovering over a chart column it shows a rounded number, i.e. 0,1 which does not give adequate information.
    – how can I program the configuration code in such a way that the collected data is shown without rounding it to 1 digit, in other words, showing 0,123 instead of 0,1?
    Thanks for your help!

  3. When adding to configuration.yaml
    – url: /local/apexcharts-card.js
    type: module
    An error
    Integration error: resources – Integration ‘resources’ not found.
    How do I fix it?

      • Hello SHS
        Any suggestion on solving error:
        Invalid config for [lovelace]: expected a list for dictionary value @ data[‘lovelace’][‘resources’]. Got OrderedDict([(‘– url’, ‘/local/apexcharts-card.js’), (‘type’, ‘module’)]). (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 28).

        line 28 is ‘lovelace:’

        • The configuration expects a list instead of a dictionary for each subsequent resource. You have structured it wrong, here’s a correct example:
          – url: /local/apexcharts-card.js
          type: module
          – url: /local/history-explorer-card.js
          type: module
          – url: /local/mini-graph-card.js
          type: module

  4. Hello,

    Great work and lots of good examples. But for me, a newbie using HA, where do you put the actual cards? E.g.

    type: custom:apexcharts-card
    layout: minimal
    graph_span: 24h

    In what section should I add these?

    • Hello Tobi,

      Everyone was a noob once, so fear not 🙂
      You create a new card on your dashboard by clicking the plus button on the bottom right corner. You select manual card from the list and copy the code from the examples above.
      Change the entities to yours and you are done 😉


  5. I would appreciate your advice. There are two entities: sensor.tasmota1_energy_today and sensor.tasmota2_energy_today
    Is it possible to display the total consumption in the header?
    Best regards

    type: custom:apexcharts-card
    chart_type: donut
    show: true
    show_states: true
    colorize_states: true
    title: daily energy consumption [kWh]
    - entity: sensor.tasmota1_energy_today
    name: plug1
    type: column
    unit: ' kWh'
    color: darkviolet
    float_precision: 1
    - entity: sensor.tasmota2_energy_today
    name: plug2
    type: column
    unit: ' kWh'
    color: midnightblue
    float_precision: 1

    • Hello,

      You can use the show variable along with in_header:

      type: custom:apexcharts-card
      chart_type: donut
      show: true
      show_states: true
      colorize_states: true
      title: daily energy consumption [kWh]
      - entity: sensor.tasmota1_energy_today
      name: plug1
      type: column
      in_header: true
      unit: ' kWh'
      color: darkviolet
      float_precision: 1
      - entity: sensor.tasmota2_energy_today
      name: plug2
      type: column
      unit: ' kWh'
      color: midnightblue
      float_precision: 1


  6. Thanks!

    I show variables in header, but I want is this two added up so I have the total energy consumption
    example: daily energy consumption 2 kWh

    Best regards, and wishing you and your loved Merry Christmas

  7. With the new sensor everything is OK
    – entity: sensor.daily_energy_total
    in_header: true
    in_chart: false

    Thanks again!

  8. Is there a way to combine two pieces of data and have no scale? The data I want to use has two different scales. If I leave them as default one will dwarf the other and you can’t see the other data. I want to show the trend of each, I don’t care about the scale.

    • Yes, you need to define the min and max values for each axis.
      type: custom:apexcharts-card
      graph_span: 20min
      - id: first # identification name of the first y-axis
      decimals: 0
      min: 0
      max: ~10
      tickAmount: 4
      - id: second # identification name of the second y-axis
      opposite: true # make it show on the right side
      decimals: 0
      min: 0
      max: ~50
      tickAmount: 4
      stroke_width: 2
      - entity: sensor.random0_100
      yaxis_id: first # this serie will be associated to the 'id: first' axis.
      - entity: sensor.random_0_1000
      yaxis_id: second # this serie will be associated to the 'id: second' axis.

      • Thanks so much. This is my yaml if it helps others.

        type: custom:apexcharts-card
        stacked: true
        graph_span: 24h
        end: day
        last_updated: true
        – id: solar
        decimals: 0
        min: 0
        max: ~1000
        tickAmount: 4
        – id: battery
        opposite: true
        decimals: 0
        min: 0
        max: ~100
        tickAmount: 4
        show: true
        show_states: true
        colorize_states: true
        title: Back/Front Panels Genertation and Battery %
        – entity: sensor.lux_solar_output_array_1_live
        yaxis_id: solar
        transform: return x / 1000;
        name: Back
        type: column
        unit: ‘ kWh’
        color: darkviolet
        func: max
        duration: 1h
        – entity: sensor.lux_solar_output_array_2_live
        yaxis_id: solar
        transform: return x / 1000;
        name: Front
        type: column
        unit: ‘ kWh’
        color: slateblue
        func: max
        duration: 1h
        – entity: sensor.lux_battery
        yaxis_id: battery
        name: Battery Charge
        type: column
        unit: ‘ %’
        color: green
        func: max
        duration: 1h

  9. G’day, great addition! Thanks for all your hard work!

    How do you add custom formatting? I’m trying to change the units/scaling used in the radialBar chart type. Any help is appreciated!


  10. Hi, great tutorial! I have small question: Is it possible to display only the hours on the x-axis? For example, instead of 14:00 it should display 14.

  11. Hello,

    I would like to know if it is possible to use a “sensor” to define a “max” limit.
    like this :

    chart_type: radialBar
    – entity: sensor.esxi_datastore
    max: sensor.esxi_datastore_total_space_gb

    Thank for you help

  12. For the pie chart,
    How to set this up if the total is known, some portions are known and there is a unknown remaining amount?

  13. When using series and multiple entity, it will show entity name with temperature under the chart, if i use only 1 temperature it wont show it, how to hide entity name with value under the chart when using multiple entity?

  14. I get this error // apexcharts-card version 2.0.4 /// value.series[0] is not a ChartCardSeriesExternalConfig; value.series[0].float_precision is not a number
    How to replace float_precision?

    type: custom:apexcharts-card
    graph_span: 36h
    show: true
    title: Dagens energi priser (Öre/kWh)
    show_states: true
    colorize_states: true
    start: day
    show: true
    label: Now
    - entity: sensor.nordpool_kwh_se4_sek_3_10_025
    color: green
    type: column
    float_precision: >-
    2 return, index) => { return [new
    Date(time).getTime(), entity.attributes.prices });
    - decimals: 2
    tickAmount: 10

  15. Hi there,
    first of all great content on here. You really give excellent overviews and very precise examples with code included (kudos!). I was wondering if you ever got the apex_config: theme: palette: to work? Just tried thsi option but it doesnt seem to work unfortunately…

    • Yes, install Card-mod from HACS and use:
      style: |
      ha-card {
      background: none;
      border: none;

      Place it inside the card config.

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