How to Install and Setup MatterBridge on Proxmox
Detailed guide for installing and setting up MatterBridge LXC on Proxmox and expose smart devices from different services to any Matter controller.
Detailed guide for installing and setting up MatterBridge LXC on Proxmox and expose smart devices from different services to any Matter controller.
UPDATED for Proxmox 8.2: Complete guide for easily installing Home Assistant Operating System on Proxmox VE 8, using a custom automated script.
This guide covers the easiest method I’ve come across for tracking the CPU, Chipset, and Disk temperatures of your Proxmox Host using Home Assistant.
This guide details two methods of upgrading Proxmox 7.4 to 8.0 without losing your existing setup of VMs and Containers.
If you have a Raspberry Pi computer, you can try Proxmox and Home Assistant OS as a VM by installing the Pimox Proxmox port on the Pi.
This article covers two methods for properly passing through USB devices (Zigbee/Z-Wave/Bluetooth Dongles) to Home Assistant VM on Proxmox.
Guide for installation and setup of InfluxDB V2 Database as an LXC container on Proxmox, for keeping Home Assistant History forever.
This article details how to move Home Assistant’s database to a self-hosted MariaDB LXC container and record data in a Proxmox Virtual Environment.
Guide for setting up Proxmox VE Custom Integration for monitoring and control of your virtual machines and containers from Home Assistant.
This article covers how to create scheduled snapshot backups in Proxmox of your Home Assistant Server or any other LXC container like Zigbee2MQTT, Pi-Hole etc.