How to Integrate SwitchBot Meter Pro and Meter Pro (CO2) in ESPHome
Guide for integrating SwitchBot Meter Pro and Meter Pro (CO2) thermometers in Home Assistant by parsing BLE byte data with ESPHome.
Guide for integrating SwitchBot Meter Pro and Meter Pro (CO2) thermometers in Home Assistant by parsing BLE byte data with ESPHome.
Detailed guide to decoding and parsing BLE data from the SwitchBot Outdoor Thermo-Hygrometer [W3400010] in ESPHome and Home Assistant.
Detailed guide for installing and setting up MatterBridge LXC on Proxmox and expose smart devices from different services to any Matter controller.
This guide details how to flash the Xiaomi Thermometer 3 [MJWSD05MMC] with PVVX BLE firmware, improving battery life, accuracy, and enabling custom screens.
Discover why a mini PC is the best hardware choice for a compact and efficient Home Assistant home server in this in-depth article and how-to guide.
Guide for exposing all supported Home Assistant entities as Matter devices, allowing you to pair them to other ecosystems via the Matter Bridge Addon.
Guide for flashing the latest Silicon Labs firmware to EFR32MG21 Zigbee adapters (e.g. Sonoff ZBDongle-E) and use the new Ember driver in Zigbee2MQTT.
UPDATED for Proxmox 8.2: Complete guide for easily installing Home Assistant Operating System on Proxmox VE 8, using a custom automated script.
This article is the complete guide to building a stable, reliable and robust Zigbee mesh network and fixing issues with your current network and devices.
In this quick tip post, learn how to reset the energy total sum of any smart plug, socket or meter in Home Assistant, integrated through Zigbee2MQTT or ZHA.