Everything Presence One vs Aqara FP2 Comparison Review
A detailed and comprehensive review of the Everything Presence One (EP1) plus a comparison to the FP2, Aqara’s latest mmWave presence sensor.
A detailed and comprehensive review of the Everything Presence One (EP1) plus a comparison to the FP2, Aqara’s latest mmWave presence sensor.
Simple DIY tutorial for making a Waterproof Double Probe Temperature Sensor using a single ESP32/ESP8266 board and two Dallas DS18B20 sensors.
Make your own ZigBee pressure sensor using cheap AliExpress components: A Tuya Contact sensor and a cheap car seat pressure sensor.
Appreciation post for the Sonoff Basic R1, the smart switch that started it all for many of us!
Make you own thermostat using a Sonoff Basic Switch and a Xiaomi Temperature & Humidity Sensor in Home Assistant!