Apollo MSR-2 Review: The Smallest Presence Sensor Ever Made
A detailed review of the Apollo MSR-2 Multi-Sensor featuring Presence, Temperature, Humidity, Illuminance, Air Pressure, UV Index, and CO2 measurements.
A detailed review of the Apollo MSR-2 Multi-Sensor featuring Presence, Temperature, Humidity, Illuminance, Air Pressure, UV Index, and CO2 measurements.
Guide for creating your own reliable presence sensor with an ESP32 and HLK-LD1125H 24GHz mmWave radar sensor in ESPHome and Home Assistant.
Testing and review of the AirGradient OpenAir with ESPHome firmware and Home Assistant integration. Is this the Best Outdoor Air Quality Monitor?
Guide for integrating INKBIRD IAM-T1 Air Quality Monitor in Home Assistant via ESPHome. Next-gen CO2 sensor, great E-Ink screen and a 4 year battery life.
Guide for creating your own reliable presence sensor with an ESP32 and HLK-LD2410 or LD2410C mmWave radar sensor, coded in ESPHome and Home Assistant.
A detailed and comprehensive review of the Everything Presence One (EP1) plus a comparison to the FP2, Aqara’s latest mmWave presence sensor.
Simple DIY tutorial for making a Waterproof Double Probe Temperature Sensor using a single ESP32/ESP8266 board and two Dallas DS18B20 sensors.
Make your own ZigBee pressure sensor using cheap AliExpress components: A Tuya Contact sensor and a cheap car seat pressure sensor.
Make you own thermostat using a Sonoff Basic Switch and a Xiaomi Temperature & Humidity Sensor in Home Assistant!