Best Home Assistant Remote Access Methods Compared 2025
Comprehensive overview and comparison of the most common ways to access Home Assistant remotely, including Cloudflare, NGINX, Wireguard and Nabu Casa.
Comprehensive overview and comparison of the most common ways to access Home Assistant remotely, including Cloudflare, NGINX, Wireguard and Nabu Casa.
Detailed breakdown of Home Assistant’s database model for short and long-term statistics. Should you replace the default SQL database?
Curated list of 15 essential Home Assistant add-ons to supercharge your smart home in 2024, including media servers, network tools, and backup add-ons.
Detailed guide for installing and setting up MatterBridge LXC on Proxmox and expose smart devices from different services to any Matter controller.
Guide for exposing all supported Home Assistant entities as Matter devices, allowing you to pair them to other ecosystems via the Matter Bridge Addon.
Guide for flashing the latest Silicon Labs firmware to EFR32MG21 Zigbee adapters (e.g. Sonoff ZBDongle-E) and use the new Ember driver in Zigbee2MQTT.
How-to guide for calling Home Assistant over VoIP with an old phone and controlling your smart home with Assist.
Guide for installation and setup of InfluxDB V2 Database as an LXC container on Proxmox, for keeping Home Assistant History forever.
Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted set of monitoring tools which you can deploy in Home Assistant as an add-on and track your servers, services and applications.
This article details how to move Home Assistant’s database to a self-hosted MariaDB LXC container and record data in a Proxmox Virtual Environment.